Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Self Mastery Series- Codex Sobrii Estote- The Book of Sobriety

We Took a long hard look in the mirror and decided that something had to be done  -- We decided it was time to take back our personal power once and for all.

(Photo Courtesy of - "Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power" )

Essentially Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power have been applied in many areas of recovery process yet, it is under examined. At ACS We don't ascribe to the notion of lack of exploration because if we are ever to develop success it must be with a firm understanding of the difference between fantasy and reality. We get notions into our minds that often don't coincide with our reality in the sense that we can't reasonably without discomfort live up to our self-imposed expectations. We need to stop doing this to ourselves.

 Many have called Greene's viewpoint as being somewhat Machiavellian in that one must quite literally navigate the waters of social hierarchy in order to make any gains in understanding themselves: on the contrary we need to overcome our own pervasive obstacles to reach those understandings; thereby, living in our success and not merely the pursuit of the end means. So it becomes that we really need a Machiavellian perspective to appreciate the difficulties posed by trauma or addictions . These are extraordinarily difficult boundaries to overcome- they become problems when they are not being actively engaged they disrupt our general sense of well-being.  We find ourselves at the end of a long , painful, and tiring road of self-defeat after a journey fraught with the worst kind of psychological/physiological co-morbidities that extends a mile long on either side. We need the discipline and the attitude to battle our demons: we need the power.

It is with great distinguishable pleasure that we have ideas like Robert Greene's as a resource we just hadn't figured out how to do it in a new way. Make it about taking your personal power back from traumatic struggle/ addiction and you have a way to literally start taking your power back !!

(We've no want to have any quarrel with Mr. Greene as we've a tremendous respect for all his hard work we merely want to corroborate a framework so that we- like Robert Greene can continue in doing what we both set out to do: help people ) Without further ado. .

(PS we're not going in order here ppls)

(contemplate this symbol as you read )

 Codex Sobrii Estote - Law #4- "Listen"
Original Law: "Always say less than is necessary"
 I want it my way and I'm not going to listen to you - really not smart

nce we're used to getting our own way it's pretty hard for anyone else to actually get a point across- even if it's absolutely vital to life and death that we heed their advice.
 "take your pills so you can feel better"
"I already took my pills last week "
"I don't want to take them anymore"
 - not smart
 "naw I'll get across before anything even happens" - not smart

"whoa where'd that bus come from?!!"

The Truth of the Matter is....

Once we start to find the road to recovery , we need to start being open to outside interpretations. It doesn't mean doing everything everyone else wants us to do but keep your ears open. Listen to what people say but always always think before you speak. Consider that what they are saying may in some way be for your benefit- unless they are trying to manipulate you to violate your own path to personal empowerment.

12 Rules for Life - Rule 9: Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't - Dr. Jordan Peterson.

This is a question with a duplicate nature: You also have to learn to listen to your own intuition.

 How we are affected when we first start to come to our own in terms of recovery will determine largely what path we should continue to take when it comes to our recovery: but for everyone it's absolutely and completely necessary that we all take care of ourselves. Learning to listen to yourself and your instincts will help you make better, more healthy decisions for yourself. Meditate for a few minutes rather than blow up, still your mind for a few moments when things get hectic and ask yourself the tough questions.

"why is this bothering me so much?"

"is there any realistic way of overcoming this right now?"

Don't forget that you must look after yourself above all else to maintain your recovery. All those people who ask so much of you should consider the same thing before making a heavy list of demands or not giving you the chance to engage in your own self-fulfillment because if they can't support you when you need it- they don't really care about you.

When you begin to trust your instincts and you can listen and engage other's on an active listening level the doors to your recovery will open and serenity will find you. Here is the symbol of your passing- contemplate it's simplicity.


#recovery #sobrii #codex #estote #lab5 #paradigm #shift #changing #perspectives #health #wellness #healthandwellness #new #free #48laws #power #48lawsofpower #48lawsofrecovery





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