Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Introducing "The Diamond Model"

Self Mastery Series: "The Diamond Model"

 "On the Current observations of progress with regards to psychological help in conjunction with the current system. "
prolonged exposure:
 or the longest time our struggles seemed in vain- the strongest of wills could/would/do collapse under the weight of such psychological poverty . 

Psychological Poverty:  The state of being in poor psychological health with regards to the performance of Activities of Daily Living and/or Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. 

The system itself is unmanageable at best  we lost faith in the power that therapy could provide us answers because our ability to comprehend the reasons for our therapy was overwhelming and didn't seem to either take our perceived needs into account but it also left us feeling worse. We needed coping mechanisms to take home with us from the very beginning because we didn't want to lose the impetus that brought us to the altars of getting help: we made a sacrifice to come to this place of helping and found in disappointment that because of either social and/or financial reasons the help was there but we couldn't afford it.

The reality of such a system is one of relentless pursuit of an answer that never comes .   
It's hard enough to navigate through a system that isn't made for us to understand it's even more tough to get the help that you need regardless of how much money you netted last year. The simple truth is this: We need money to live and these highly trained individuals are no exception- but at what cost?

 he singular simple truth that I know about health care in Canada is.. "without a Dr. as your sextant and the light of good therapy to guide your way the search for good mental health can truly seem like trying to find your way on a sea of blackness that never stops moving."

We will go into depth on what each facet of the Diamond represents but for now I would like to bring your attention to one critical point : In order for Coaching/Recovery to work you need to be able to use it. Therefore, if there is no system in place to make these services accessible there will be a large population of people in the lower income brackets that will not get the help they need. 
In The Self Mastery Series Videos on Youtube: ( Here's where it starts )  
Our aim is to give you good quality content that helps put you in the Driver's seat of your Sailboat on the river of life. In our next video we're going to talk about R.I.F.F. or Rate Index Fee Finder that's included in the Diamond Model itself.  It's a system that we use to make our services accessible to anyone's budget because the bottom line isn't me getting rich it's about people getting the help they need.