Thursday, August 15, 2019

Feeling Good

Above: Only you can make choices for the betterment of your life.

The Choice of Happiness
- From My Own Journal
"It shouldn't be a huge realization but today I reached a new high-point in my life.. I finally came to the realization that I was in control of my own happiness and the boundless and wonderful repercussions were that I was going to be even more happy as a result of this realization.It shouldn't be mind blowing to be happy but for those of us who have struggled really hard everyday it truly is extraordinary we get out of bed everyday.

I've lived the last 35 years of my life under a dark cloud that I share with many of you my fellow human beings: depression. PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression , Oh yes, it's not always been a pool of sunshine but today really marks a rare occasion where everything I've been doing in my life has really contributed to a positive catharsis. I'd always walked around seeing people smiling and I felt resentment...deep resentment because I just felt as though I couldn't have that and nobody else deserved it either."
Eventually I came to the understanding that happiness is not just a state of being that presents itself on the outside it's truly something that only comes when things are right. This involves a lot of hard work and perseverance but most of all knowing yourself on a deeper, more intimate level (sometimes almost too well). 
 Above: Alright except clowns because let's be honest, nobody is really that happy all the time.
It's only once I changed the way that I viewed my internal frame of reference that I was actually able to incorporate happiness for myself into the pantheon of my psyche and gain a better perspective on the world around me. Then it occurred to me that happiness is the best sickness you can catch because it's contagious ! This has happened to me previously but this change came from a much deeper place within- that place where love and affection dwell near the heart. I felt a love for myself that didn't come from a narcissistic type of place it came from a place that I used to fill with alcohol, drugs, and women.

So Here's the Good Stuff... 
We take a lot of things for granted because we live in an age of convenience and technological sophistication but the truth is the simplest things in life should never for any reason ever be neglected. A simple pause in your day will yield a lifetime's worth of peace in as short a time as 60 seconds. One minute: that's it ! Try it for yourself when you feel overwhelmed with what you're going through or when you think that life just plain sucks.

a. find a quiet place to sit and think
OR listen to some music and sit but don't lay down

b.think about the good things you have in your life for 60 seconds.

Yep, that's it that's all there is to it.

When you remember the good things that you do have in your life the things that are troubling you are gone for at least the time that you're reflecting on what makes you happy. Keep doing this and you can conquer the oppression of even the deepest depression.


Smile more often, laugh deeper, enjoy the small things.

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