Saturday, August 10, 2019

Concepts in Health Care

Independance is always ideal with patient care it should always be the primary goal to promote our client's autonomy. Most if not all ADL's performed without help. May need help with IADL but not much.

Interdependance is closer to independance . Sometimes we need a helping hand to get there so when you think of interdependance think of the song "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers: some help with ADL and IADL care.

Dependance is sometimes unavoidable with persistent illness . Its a sad reality to say so but it happens. We are trained for all of these aspects of living remember to uphold :
1. Autonomy 2. Justice 3. Beneficence 4. Nonmalfecence
I would like to point out something :

Sometimes in our lives people will attempt to take away your independance and thereby attempt to become dependant on you . In our jobs we report these behavioural changes to an RN . In real life unless its your child or spouse or a family member (including extended family ) you should always remember that you matter too .

 Caption: Independence is always idea. Interdependence is sometimes necessary but Full dependence is never ideal for everyone except in the most serious of circumstances.

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