Saturday, September 16, 2023

Confirmation .. of sorts of Wilhelm Reich's Work

Official Documents with proofs attached.

Significantly, as the RCC proceeds with it's own Research co-ordinated between RO5 (Canada) and VRIL Lab 1 (USA) The ongoing search for evidence to prove a substantial basis for the theories we propound are of special significance.

Dr. James DeMeo discusses (T-ot) the thermal anomaly he detected using carefully calibrated equipment in his experiment documented here:

The thermal anomaly existed only in Reich's device and could be proof positive of a heat residue co-occurring due to Oregon accumulation.

2. The Reich-Eienstein Experiment 

More proof validating the same temperature variance here with publication references.

3. Roger DuTeil and Reich where DuTeil came up with rigorous controls that did support Reich's discoveries of BIONS 

4. Thorough study of BIONS, their mimetic properties, their growth in non-organic/organic rich environments as well as in bodily fluids 

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