Monday, November 18, 2019

Elements of FPM Part 2: Motivation/Ambition




"Motivation (MO) is our desire to either accomplish something or to avoid something unpleasant."

"Ambition which is still part of motivation is the actual goal or thing with which we are focused on accomplishing or avoiding."


We can be motivated to greatness very easily- as Obi-Wan-Kin-obi would have said it just depends on "your point of view." Motivations and accomplishments for some might be just getting out of bed in the morning

(Image Courtesy:

To a Great Many of Those out there this is a monumental accomplishment- it's literally for some the hardest thing they have to do all day. It's our purpose here to bring awareness to our friends, family , co-workers, and even the stranger who is suffering all alone. Don't run away from one another- embrace each other.

Ambitions can be things like pursuing education, finding a rewarding career, having children, finding love... there are as many ambitions as there are human beings on the planet and then some!

O.k. Wait I'm confused what's the difference between Motivation and Ambition?

Motivation is the actual feeling or amount of feeling we have when it comes to realizing our ambitions. When you read or hear ambition think: goal or better yet desired outcome. If Ambition is the destination then Motivation is the gas in the car. It's the fuel of our passions but it is also the fuel of our fears. The motivation to run away from danger is the desire to be safe with the ambition to avoid danger.

Now that we've established the difference I want to briefly highlight the different sub types of Motivation so we can paint a much clearer picture for you:

External Motivations

These are things that make you feel motivated based on some external reward or compensation. These can be accomplishing things due to incentive, fear, or expectation due to some external factor. Types of External Motivations:

1. Incentive Motivation

When You're driven by the reward that occurs as a result of accomplishment rather than the accomplishment itself.

2. Fear Motivation

This is motivation that is geared towards avoiding pain or consequences.

3. Power Motivation

When we seek power over ourselves or others.

4. Affiliation and Social Motivation

Our desire for belonging and acceptance.

5.Expectancy Theory

When our motivations come from the outcomes that we expect in a situation.

6.Equity Theory

When we expect a fair reward- it's not always dependent on how fair we are to other people but in some instances by how fair other people are to each other.

Internal Motivations

Things that make you feel motivated based on internal rewards. Think Inner Growth. For clarification's sake here are the different types of Internal Motivators:

1. Learning Motivation

Motivation that comes with learning something new where it's more about learning something new rather than the reward that ensues.

2. Behavioral Motivation

Oriented towards changing the way we think and behave.

3. Achievement Motivation

Comes from the successful accomplishment/completion of some specific goal.

4. Arousal Theory

Individuals are motivated by specific levels of arousal: i.e. mental alertness, attentiveness.

6. Physiological Motivation

These are motivations whose roots lie deep in the very fabric of every human being. These are the motivations that can make or break a person's health. The ambition to seek warmth comes from the motivation to survive by not succumbing to hypothermia.

How Motivated are You?

Here's a quick test to see how motivated you are

Feel Free to Share your comments down below!

Motivation Test 


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