Monday, November 18, 2019

Elements of FPM Part 1: Situational Awareness/Mindfulness

"Mindfulness is the Key to Situational Awareness and Situational Awareness is a part of Mindfulness."

Mindfulness was originally a meditative practice that started with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), in 1979. It is a meditation that enables practitioners to become more aware of their thoughts, body sensations, emotions and in recent years MBCBT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) has emerged as a new specialized tool in the mindfulness arsenal. CBT is a psychological modality that helps you deal with the inaccurate/negative behavioral patterns that we exhibit as a result of trauma or mental health. Combined MBCBT helps us to not only modify the behavior but also to fully understand it's purpose without being judgemental or critical but simply by acknowledging it's there and it exists.

Situational Awareness is important in cultivating a sense of progress because we often don't give ourselves credit for what we do! Some of us give ourselves too much credit and some of us are blissfully unaware of what we're doing. We might not even be aware that we are self-sabotaging, deceiving ourselves, or making unrealistic goals. It's important to be grounded in everything you do but ultimately you need to be able to not only observe what's going on but also to perceive what is happening and to understand why it's happening. SA - Situational Awareness, is so important to the concept of Forward Positive Momentum FPM because it enables us to examine our entire situation so that we can start removing road blocks.

How Mindful are You?

Here's a Quick online test that will give you some idea of how mindful you are at present..

How did you do?
Leave a Comment below the post . (just for fun)

Further Resources

(For Mindfulness training there is no better place to start Here you can get the original MBSR training and even get certified by Jon Kabat-Zinn)

We will be doing a special blog series on MBCBT after our current series on the Elements of FPM!

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