Monday, October 14, 2019

A Bit of Stoicism .. impressionable?

So Lately I've been studying Stoicism.. it really puts things into focus when the external world stops making such an impression on what's going on in your life.

 Yeah I know it shouldn't be all that mind-blowing but most people do it without even realizing it.. you know that sub conscious thing again.

In stoicism we learn that external impressions shouldn't become internalized it makes us lead a life that isn't "in accord with nature." we hear this a lot in the Enchiridion - the what? Nevermind that for now. It's by a Stoic Philosopher named Epictetus. About $5.00 on Amazon... anyway...

The Graphic I put in the above represents the concept of what happens when external expressions become internalized they go through our own mental philter and get rearranged according to our own value systems.. there's only one problem here, it didn't originate from within and therefore is an external expression attempting to impress itself into our internal world. This is how arguments happen at times it happens because we view things differently and sometimes we want to impress those viewpoints or perspectives on other people. 

Even so-called experts try to do this at times simply because they just don't agree with the way we choose to look at things. This is how transference occurs. The trouble with transference is it is the impression of an expression by someone else that is trying to manifest in a strange environment- am I calling you strange? You betcha! It's better to try to understand what the other person is saying than to simply impose your viewpoint on them. In fact as Dr. Jordan Peterson says "assume the person you're talking to knows something you don't" because 9 out of 10 times its true. Effective communication is the key to resolution of any troubling situation and sometimes communication itself breaks down that's when it's time to take a step back and consider what is being discussed individually - but always always go back to it and be willing to work it out..
Ahhhh.... that's better.

The thoughts of others and their opinions trying to make an impression on the mind of another person  

Now I'm not saying that you can't change the mind of another person with your opinion because that would be ridiculous.. what I'm saying is very simply that when the person's mind becomes changed it is because they are the ones changing their opinion.

That's all for Now my Friends,

As always Life is a Challenge not a contest, it is the pursuance of personal greatness not suffering .

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

David L. Asselstine, PSW, RLC, NLP 

#recovery #diamondmodel #recoverylifecoach #stoic #philosophy #internalimpressions #externalexpressions